主题:海上丝路Maritime Route
类别:考察细则Expedition Arrangement
提供者:刘迎胜Liu Yingsheng
Colloquium at the Center f'or Neohellenic Research/NHRF
October 27, 1990
Cultural and Commercial Exchanges
between the Orient and the Greek World
Anna AVRAMEA., 'Artisanat et commerce du textile
dans le Bas Empire en Orient"
Nikos OIKONOMIDIS, "L'importateur et l'exportateur
Aspasia LOUVI, liLa production de la soie a travers
l'iconographie, 565-145311
Vassilis PANAYOTOPOULOS, i~La oUlture de la mor4e dans les
pays grecs"
Christine AGRIANTONI, IILe sort de la soie au XIXb si爸cle:
de i,Orient a l'Occident, du
naturel a l'artificiel"
Stelios PAPADOPULOSr iiLa s6riculture a Soufli : une
exposition permanente"
Session Ⅱ(11.30 a.m - 13.30 p.m)
George ,
PAPATHANASSOPOULOS "The Proto-helladic Shipwreck of
Dokos 0n the Axe of the Main
Maritime Commercial Road of the
Neolithic Aegean sea"
Christine ANGELIDI "L'itineraire merveilleux vers le
pays des bienheureux et ses
transformations dans le roman
d'Alaxandre (IIIe-VIIIe s. )"
Elizabeth ZACHARIADOU, "The Presents of the Emirs."
Vassilis CHRISTIDES, "From China to the Mediterranean
Sea. Exchanges in Naval Technology"
SessionⅢ(18.00-20.00 p.m)
Charalampos PAPASTATHIS, "The Mission and the Legislation of
Gregentios in Himyar(Yemen) "
Dr. CHAMIAN, "The Story of Alexander the Great
in Malay Literature"
Anna BALLIAN, "Christian silverware from Ottaman
Theodore CHATZIPANTAZIS, The Silk route blocked : Theories
on the Origin of the Greek Shadow
Ananda ABEYDERA, "Knowledge of Sri Lanka by Greeks"
Lambros LIAVAS, Silk Roads and the Road of the