(2015)History of weaving in northeast areas of the Central Asia(Antiquity and middle ages)
Date: 2022-11-18

The Ferghana Valley since ancient times was a large centre of weaving in Central Asia. According to archaeological data the weaving in the valley lasts more than 3000 years. For sure, we have no such old samples of weaving, however, there are direct evidences of weaving development in the Ferghana Valley. Prints of fabric inside pottery of tribes of Chust agricultural culture (XII-VII centuries BCE) were revealed. Till recently it was considered that the basic material for weaving in the Ferghana valley in ancient times was cotton fibre. Indeed, threads made of cotton and cotton seeds were disclosed at Ferghana archaeological sites of early millennium CE. And there were almost no data on production of silk cloth in ancient period. The archaeological material was not discovered and data on it were absent in the written sources.   

However, technology of silk production in China was kept in secret for a long time without spread. Taking into account this fact it is possible to assume that silk production in the Ferghana Valley was developed under direct influence of the great neibour – China at the begging of Common Era. Consequently, the Ferghana Valley along with Sogd, probably, even earlier – already in III-IV centuries became the centre of silk weaving.