主题:海上丝路Maritime Route
提供者:刘迎胜Liu Yingsheng
Dear Mr Zhang Chongli
Maritime Route Expedition
---~__N ___r_____ ____
Thank you for your letter CUL/003/Q18/g0 of l4 August
concerning the Maritime Route Expedition
1. Chinese specialists on board: It was indeed not
understood that the names submittad in Vanice were for the
category of young scholars to be accommociated in austerity
berths. The working group at its last meeting on 31 August
therefore confirmad the Chinese specialists as follows: In
cabin berths - Mr Liu Yingsheng (venice to Huangpu); Mrs Li
Dejin (Huangpu to Osaka) in austerity berths -- Mr.chen
Pengpeng (Venice to Muscat. Mr ChenrDasheng (Muscat to
Madras): Mr.Yu Yongbing (Madras to Osaka)
2.2 Visa formalities : I am encloging the identity badge
farm for all speciallstsr and the visa entry form for those
going to Oman. Kindly have these completed and returned to me
urgently. It is noted that all passengers coming to china
should obtain entry visas from Chinese Embassies or
Cortsultates in their respective countries. As soon as we
receive their completed information forms these will be sent
to you. We have been information that transit visas will be
providtad on board when the ship arrives in Malaysia and
3. Harbour dues: I would like to express my deep
appreciation to the Chinese authorities for agreeing to waive
the harbour duea for both ports in China Would yort kindly la
me have in dua ciourse tbei official letters of waiver which
should :specify all the duaa covered, e.g pilotage, berthing,
tugs, fresh water in port, etc,
4. Arrival and dkaparture times: As you will see from the
enclosed fax from Commander Mandaville, in reply to your
letter,copied to him, the departure time from Huangpu must be
maintainad at 1000 hours on 12 February for technical reasons,
Howevar he proposes arriving in Huangpu from manila one day
earlier at 1000 hours on 9 February which would enable the
programme in Guangzhou to take place as foreseen. Kindly
confirm your agreement to this proposal.
Mr Zhang Chongli ./.
Coordinaltting Group, Silk Roads Project
National Commission Of the
People`s Republic of China
Xidan, Beijing
. Programme at Chinese ports of call: Thank you for
sending the tentative programmes in Huangpu and Quanzhou. I
am pleasad to learn that the local authorities in the two
ports have kindly agreed that the international team will be
acoommodated on shore, The qutastion of media participation is
being discusse at present and I will let you know as soon as
possible what arrangements are being maae in this respect,
6 Travelling exhibition: I am also pleased to learn that
the City of Quanzhou has reserved a hall for this exhibition
adjacent to other halls displaying cultural relics caxoavat:ed
in Quanzhou, The panels carried on board will be in crates as
follows :
"Unesco" exhibition: 2crates l85x94x59 and
(30 panel recto-verso)
"Oman" exhibition : I crate l85x94X44
(lO panels reato-verso)
Japanese exhibition: 6 ,crates 205xl05x30
(74 panels 60x90)
11 crates ;200x50x65
( supports)
I trust this information will enable you to foresee the
necssary transport in Quanzhou.
7 .partfcjjpants for the international seminars: The names
of. Clinese and foreign participants proposed for the
international seminars have been noted and being examine
in the framework of the whole programme of seminars
organized by the different countries during the expedition.
Confirmation will be given as soon as possible concerning the
international travel expanse for participants
I would like to thank the Chinese Coordinating Group and
the local authorities concerned for their excellent
cooperation in preparing the programs which will contribute
graatly to the success of this second major expedition of the
Integral Study of the Silk Roads,
With best regards,
Yours sincereLy,
Silk Roada Project